i) Search and Add Product to checki) 該非判定書に表示する製品の検索と追加
NI products to be added to the document (Max 30)該非判定書へ表示される製品 (最大30製品)
About this tool本ツールについて:
This tool contains information to assist in shipping goods internationally
Product Description
Tariff Classification -- U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) for AES/EEI Purposes, EU TARIC for Import Purposes, Malaysia Harmonized System Code (MY HS) for Import Purpose.
Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)
EU Dual-Use Classification based on the Annex I of the Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council and of the Council
MY Dual-Use Classification based on the Strategic Items List of Malaysia Strategic Trade Act (STA) 2010
Manufacturing Location based on most recent production location.
Manufacturing Location in this tool is the most recent location. Please refer to the product label for the most accurate manufacturing location information. This tool is being updated regularly.
Enter NI part number or Model name by either typing or copy and paste into "i) Search and Add Product to check", and click "Search" button. You will see the products related with your query.
Note: You need to use NI part number for sale. You cannot search by NI part number on the product label.
Select/click the product that you want, click "Add" button. You will see the selected product on the right side of the table. You can add up to 30 products.
After selecting all products, click "Download classification form (PDF)" button. The PDF download process will be started.
NI’s drivers and runtime:
NI’s drivers and runtime engines are made publicly available for download without restrictions at Software and Driver Downloads. NI recommends using EAR99 for these software products if exported on media.
NI Product Certifications
NI products intended for sale and use globally comply with the applicable international requirements, such as product safety, EMC, and RoHS. NI products are generally covered by some or all the certifications and declarations which you find in the following page.
Please Note: All information is accurate to the best of our knowledge and is subject to change without notice.
Any use of the information provided is without recourse to NI and is at the buyer's or user's risk.
The import and export classification information provided herein is provided for informational purposes only.
It is the buyer's or user's responsibility to determine its compliance obligations, including (but not limited to) product classification
and obtaining any export licenses or approvals required by the U.S. Government or governments of third countries.
NI encourages buyers and users to seek legal counsel or other guidance for advice regarding compliance with applicable export and import requirements.
The information presented here is for the individual NI part numbers. When incorporated into systems created by the buyer or user,
it is the buyer's or user's responsibility to determine its compliance obligations, including product classification and
obtaining any export licenses or approvals required by the U.S. Government or governments of third countries.
NI encourages buyers and users to seek legal counsel or other guidance for advice regarding compliance with applicable export and import requirements.
Further information regarding U.S. export control and sanctions laws and regulations, can be found at the following U.S. Government
websites: www.bis.doc.gov (Bureau of Industry and Security) and
www.treas.gov/ofac (Office of Foreign Assets Control).
The term "Not Listed" in the "EU Dual-Use" column, indicates the products are not included in Annex I of the Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
The term "Not Listed" in the "MY STA" column, indicates the products are not included in Strategic Items List of Malaysia Strategic Trade Act (STA) 2010.
NI does not provide classification data for services associated with NI software or hardware products.免責事項: すべての情報は、当社の知る限りにおいて事実を正確に反映したものになります。予告なく変更される場合があります。
米国の輸出管理および制裁に関する法律および規制に関する詳細は、米国政府のWebサイトwww.bis.doc.gov (米国商務省)
およびwww.treas.gov/ofac (米国財務省)を参照ください。